You have probably already heard the basics: like getting enough sleep; using a bath bomb every now and then; and trying out yoga. But ultimately… Self-care is about having a deep awareness of your needs and taking gentle steps to fulfil them.
It is taking care of yourself first; making time to do things for yourself; how to genuinely look after yourself. So, of course, self-care looks different and is going to feel different for each of us, and it will mean different things at different times in our lives. We give ourselves what we need in the moment, whether we… Nurture. Nourish. Recharge. Love. Be kind. Strengthen. Give Compassion. Soften. For many of us, the idea of taking care of ourselves can not only be unfamiliar, but unappealing. That is normal! Self-care is still important.
In this toolkit, we will guide you through self-care in the different areas of your life: physical, emotional, spiritual, and personal.
- Our physical self-care chapter explores nourishing our bodies and grounding ourselves in the present.
- Our emotional self-care chapter acknowledges that every emotion is valid.
- Our spiritual self-care chapter works to create a greater sense of our inner-selves.
- Our personal self-care chapter focuses on fun, joy and indulging in the things you like to do, just because.